Why not join us and grow a Compassionate City

Compassionately Portsmouth

We acknowledge that we’re stronger when we work together. Our current areas of assistance can be viewed on the Good Neighbours Network page, these include help in accompanying and transporting  adults with health conditions to medical appointments, shopping with or for people that find it difficult to get to the shops, companionship and befriending for those who find themselves lonely and isolated .

We would also like to explore opportunities that introduce practical compassion into other areas of our city’s life: such as tackling, holiday hunger, (as a some school age children go hungry outside school term time); hate crime and loneliness.  If these kind of projects interest you or the organisation you represent we would like to hear from you and start the


Our aim is to make a difference through everyday and more profound acts of compassion throughout Portsmouth. 

Compassionately Portsmouth is a new initiative that brings together local leaders, organisations and volunteers who identify and deliver compassionate projects and acts of kindness throughout our city.

 How can you help?


Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our charity, carrying our every day acts of kindness and making a real difference in our community.

Local Businesses

We would like to work with local businesses who could support us in a variety of ways.

Local Leaders

We work with local leaders in Portsmouth to establish community needs and what we can do to help.

Get Involved

Good Neighbours Network

The Good Neighbours Network is all about people helping people. Everyone needs a good neighbour.

Compassionately Portsmouth offers this service in Portsmouth with the aim to provide a helping hand for those who need it. 

We focus on people and help them, through acts of kindness (activity) to stay independent, connected and part of their community. 

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